Kerry Walgren


Taking the next step…into grace.


Welcome friends, this space is where I share my favorite recipes, movement tips and ways to care for yourself body mind, and spirit. Taking good care of yourself is not only a physical journey but a spiritual one. One that is best directed from God and can bring you into a closer relationship with Him. To take care of a creation it’s best to consult the creator. Our God is a good God and he has given us the Bible to help us in all areas of our lives including care for our temple of the Holy Spirit.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is you reasonable service”. Romans12:1

What to expect is a realistic way to live a healthy life that you actually enjoy. I am committed to sharing only the best with you and exactly what has brought me joy in this area of my life. I once struggled in this area but until I brought it to the Lord. I see now that it wasn’t isolated “problem” but a spiritual journey to embark with God drawing me closer to Him and bringing me into a healthy wholeness.

Feel free to take a peak at my signature program Wonderfully Made or visit the blog for some Inspiration for tonight’s dinner. So take a seat and come enjoy the God’s beautiful bounty with me as we dive into the (healthy) goodies.


I can’t thank Kerry enough for the tools and knowledge she has shared with me. Not only was I able to regain my health and vitality but I discovered a true connection with my own body. Something I’ve been missing my entire life. I can’t thank her and her program enough.

/  Satisfied client  /


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